Monday, July 1, 2013

Moving for lazy people???

The Challenge of them all I was hoping to have a better foundation prior to this challenge. But now I’m faced with the largest happiest challenge of my adult life.

MOVING: Where do I start? How can I still stay lazy and get this stuff done?  How do normal people do it, if there is such a thing ;)… without hiring helping hands!!!  If you have the money to do that I suggest that route just because I’m lazy! Well with the house we are getting there isn’t an option for me to hire anyone. I will be house broke! So as everyone says let’s start small and work our way up. Here is the list of things that 
I think need to have some attention to.

  • ·         Figure out what will go into the new house (and where possibly)
  • ·         Packing the stuff that goes into the house and getting it there
  • ·         Cleaning the new house
  • ·         Selling off or getting rid of the stuff I don’t want anymore

Rule one and you have seen it, heard about it, and hopefully live by this. Do not pack anything you don’t LOVE. Well my friend that there is my problem I love so much I really do feel connected to most things that are in my life why do you think I have so much crap! I love it. I love the feeling of desire when I look at it. I love the desire of future project. I love who gave it to me, I love the memories the item has. I can go on and on about the love I have for random CRAP!!!

Yes most of it is crap. The good thing is though once I forget the connection to the item I toss it. Even saying to myself why did I hold on to this I know there is a story I just can’t remember it.

And then I have this nagging voice in the back of my head. GET RID OF IT ALL so I can start fresh making new memories that will blow the past ones out of the water.  I let that inner voice nag all she wants. It’s easier to listen to the nagging then it is to part with some things.

Okay we are putting an offer in a house soon!! (Hopefully this week) and I’m already overwhelmed. A few things that are in my benefit are:
  • ·         Close by
  • ·         Ready to move in
  • ·         Not selling our house so no rush to move our stuff

My fear of this is simple not wanting to live in two homes at one time.. so I would love for all of this to be done instantly!

I will post my achievements and disappointments here. Hopefully you can learn or gain some sort of insight into your own laziness!!

To start I have started to go through more boxes of stuff I once sold candle light or party light so I have a lot of stuff to throw away! You won’t believe what I found doing that.. my marriage certificate was in a box of random stuff I’m so grateful it didn’t get damaged.. WTF is wrong with me and my laziness.  It’s now framed and in a box to move!

I am going to continue to go through stuff and get more boxes … Basements are fun! ;)
Thanks again for reading if any of this helps you please leave a comment!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

How to beat it...

In my opinion the best way to over come laziness is to unplug yourself.
Unplug yourself WTF are you nuts? Yes I am but that's besides the point.

It have no legitimate proof but I back pack and tend not to be lazy because i'd be really board if i didn't do what needed to be done and most likely  starve and not have a warm/dry place to sleep.

If your not in to that hobby then don't part take but what you can do is have a digital free hour at your home once a week. (daily is best) where you hide your cell phone and cut off the TV computer.. But wait before you do that finish reading!! ;)

To be unlazy, you need to have the following.

  • something to motivate you
  • self discipline (not too much but enough)
  • a true inner desire!!!  don't unlazy for someone else.. do it for you or it wont work..

For me my motivation is simple. I want to not worry about people stopping by,  I don't want to waste my life away, and I feel proud of my self when I do stick with it.  If you don't have motivation then maybe you want to be lazy and guess what there isn't anything wrong with that.  so maybe you unlazy your self when you have motivation and or a true inner desire to want to not be lazy. This was a hard one for me i enjoy being lazy. And I do make time for it as I find value in doing nothing. Then to top it off with the feelings of me doing so much with no help it's a feeling it's hands down not the truth. Once we all get past that feeling of no one is jumping up to help me and we come to terms that this is something we are doing for ourselves not to change other household members.. then is when it becomes truly rewarding! 

Again I feel bad for the lack of attention on this site. More so when I clearly see you all checking me out! 
Thanks for reading!  Stay motivated! 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Don’t steal my voice.

We all had days where we are loathing in self pity, uncertainty, or our own thoughts. I’m sure you have said out loud to someone if not in your head what someone was thinking? My example of this is as follows:

• They don’t like me, they are more interested in off the wall stories and I’m too normal for them.

• They won’t help me out with this or that, they are always so busy, and they will never have the time.

• My partner, won’t say yes to my request, so I won’t bother asking.

Each time you think a thought like this is equal to you stealing someone’s voice. You make up your answers and you don’t give them a chance to speak for themselves. Even if your assumption was correct don’t steal other people’s voices. It’s all we have.

Now think about the times other people have done this to you? How many times has other people thought my answer to what they were wondering, when they didn’t ask me? How many times without me knowing has my voice been taken away from me and replaced by your thoughts?

So unlazy your mind and give the tasks and questions to the right person, not your own subconscious.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Waited to the last minute again!!!

So you waited til the last minute to get what you needed to get done done. I know that feeling all to well. However I have a thought.. If you regulary practice the last minute stuff then your always prepared for any emergency.. so I look at my laziness as just practicing for when i need it.

I figured this meathod of thought out when i was packing for a trip after i got home from work in 15 minutes. did i foget anything. Not one item. Why because every trip i wait till the last minute AGAIN!  thus this makes packing simple for me as i can pack for a week trip in 15-20 minutes.

So that's your chuckle for today!

So the house was finished cleaning on friday. it's spotless for the most part. I have kept up with it as well over the weekend.
meaning doing things right then and there. Gosh that is so hard to do..
After you eat wash the dish or place it in the dishwasher (i can normally do this but what do you do when your dishwasher is full and it's running. do you still leave them in the sink or do you force yourself to wash them by hand?) I normally leave them in the sink and that in turn builds up bad habits of leaving them in the sink. It was suggestioned once to a box or bin under the sink for the dirty dishes. I have yet to try that and frankly don't like that idea much. I need to build the habit of taking care of the dishes right then and there.

So each day / week i'll add one item to my daily todo list for myself.
since i dont have a list started yet i'm going to start with listing 3 items that i want to ensure is done daily. These item shouldn't take more then 15 minutes at it's worse for it to be added to the list. In my eyes if it takes you more then 15 mintues tha'ts a project not a task.. Thus you can break that longer task down into smaller steps and make those the tasks inplace of doing it all.
Example: clean garage is more then 15 minutes. so instead of cleaning the garage i can list a shorter task. Remove surface trash from garage. each day add a task that is in the garage this would change up unless you have a lot of trash. the key here is only 15 minutes more so if your a clutter bugger.

Back to my list. Here is mine feel free to copy or create your own that will suit your need. I am also writing down why i want this done daily you know to help me find motivation when i really need it.

  1.  Empty litter box - I want to do this daily because the litter box is a pain to clean up when it's gone to far, it's stinky, my husband can't handle the smell, my kitties love it when i clean it for them, it's super quick when i do this daily right before work!
  2. Dishes  out of sink - it really does give you a sence of clean when nothing sits in the sink.. i would of never agreed to that but after i done it a few times i can finally concur.  I love the way it smells and i can tell when the kitties play where they are not suppose to. hard part is when dishwasher is full at that point wash by hand unless it's a lot of dishes if that's the case rinse them and get them ready to go in dish washer by placing them on counter top. I'm doing this so i can cook more. If the kitchen is clean i normaly want and enjoy the cooking.
  3. Sweep one room in the house daily. - I have 3 pets all have fur that ends up EVERYWHERE. so this might help me stay on top of the dust balls that roll across the floor, It's nice to walk around on my floors in socks not covered in pet hair.

so that is my list. Some people like to make charts that say mondays' floors tuesdays bathroom and so forth so they are not overwhelmed on one day.
I never truely tried that but who knows maybe by next post i'll have something along those lines.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The musical clean up

So I am always finding new ways to clean and build routines. This one I am sure you have heard or have done before. Using music to motivate you as well as using it to time things. If your anything like me then you have clutter and your too lazy to do anything about it.. at least most of the time.

So here is what I did because I am having a party at the end of the month and my house needs to be some what people ready. So I counted the rooms that I wanted to approach. In my case it was the whole house a total of 5 rooms (okay not all of the house). I put on a cd on that is up beat and one that I like to personally zone out to. White Stripes Iggy thumb was what I picked. 

The pattern.. 2 songs for each room or until completed with the main tasks at hand. For me it was putting items in the right place and picking up trash. I didn't clean anything really just put things away. I have someone coming in to my home tomorrow to clean for me. She will do the floors, and get the nitty and gritty of it all. So that helped.. 45 minutes later my house was people ready in 4 out of the 5. The one that isn't people ready is one of the cluttered rooms.. or bedroom. goosh we need to do laundry.. lol

So give it a shot if you have a cluttered home just play a few songs or build a play list and set a goal 3 songs per room 1 song per room.. pick a task or two as well. trash,pick up, dust, sweep,  declutter, pick one or two of those. 

Well enjoy till next time.. enjoy being lazy!!!

Never new the attention

Wow i never knew this blog got so much attention. Thank you to all who check this page out. I do feel bad as I haven't kept up with it. With the newest changes I am planing to make to my own laziness i think it might be time to get this blog on a roll. Somethings i need to remember. Grammar <-- just because I don't care about it don't mean you don't !!! Post regularly <-- i can do this sometimes finding content is hard i want to impress you stop trying to impress <-- yeah this blog is mainly for me to unlazy myself. but in the efforts that there could be someone simular to me it might be helpful. Start paying attention to myself <-- sometimes i ingore things that i need to do for soemthing that i want to do and that's not really good. so there you have it i'll be working on a templete to change up the design a bit. Suggestions welcome. As well as content. Please suggest something. My challenge to you is to correct my grammer so I can learn. Thank you all!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ways to feel alive

I hear on so many different web sites “How do you feel like your living? How do you feel alive? So it got me thinking even when I checked my site I had that in my things to do “Feel alive” we all live but why don’t we feel like we are a live some times. Do we get all caught up in the daily actions to cater to our own needs? I know it can be redunent. So what do you do to “Feel Alive”? Here are a few of my suggestions.

1. Set goals that are close to your morals, values, and heart.
Goals are great – they keep you on track! Only if they mean something to you and they are close to you. Then understanding that your goals you have to WORK for they are not going to be giving to you on a silver platter just because you picked that as your goal. Grant you, you may meet some people to help you along your journey! If you never get that goal all that work you put into will make you feel ALIVE!

2. Educated risksWhen we get stuck in our daily lives we tend to do the same thing over and over giving us that feeling of geesh just another day! One way to stop that is to do a bit of research and take a risk. Weather it be jumping off a bridge (that you know is save to jump off of) or asking a stranger what they think of something or other. Is it scary well I hope so because that is the point! We tend to forget we have other emotions and if you don’t startle them you will feel bored of life.

3. Comfort zone (goes with educated risk)
Along the same lines of educated risk we all tend to do what is safe for us? I’m not asking you to do something ridiculously stupid or completely unsafe. But try to point out your comfort zone.

For example: you are not the type to start conversations because you are shy or because you had a bad experience. Well you are not the same person you were back then so step out of that comfort zone and try it.

Maybe it’s your clothing you never wear yellow it’s to bright and may look funny. Try it any way not like it’s going to hurt you! Stepping out of your comfort zone at least 1 time a day can really increase your feeling ALIVE.

4. Where is the kid in you?
Did you lose that every asking questions of interest? Are you scared to do something out of fear someone will say you are childish? Is that someone you look up to or are they just pretending to live life? Grow down do something silly get laughed at get called a kid then say I’m a kid at heart! Parents got a head up on this one when you have a kid you have to play with your kid! There for acting like a kid is easy. So think back on what you enjoyed as a kid or even something you never had the guts to do when you were a kid and give it a shot!

5. Forgiveness
Okay this is one of the hardest things to do but it will take that tension/pressure off of you! Weather you forgive that human to their face or just to yourself either way you should do this. One of the hardest things was to forgive someone but it is the one thing that will make you feel free and alive! Plus you won’t have that added mental weight killing your mind.

6. Something new (sort of a piggy back off of comfort zone)
At least one time a week do something you have never tried before it could be a new way to work, a new taste, or even a new thought pattern. What ever it is make sure you go into it with a clear head and mind. (Easier to have a clear mind when you forgive people)

7. Give yourself time (MAKE IT)You can’t enjoy it all if you don’t take time to breathe it in and reflex on it. You know the saying stop and smell the roses. Yes it is harder in today’s age but how ever you have to do it: schedule an appointment with yourself, Give up TV for 15 minutes for yourself, or pass up a healthy meal for a quick fix to help free up some time! What ever the sacrifice it will be worth it in the long run!!!!

8. Give up excusesIt can be hard not to give excuses to something but don’t give excuses for who you are or the actions you take. If you were wrong or you made a mistake apologize and learn from it then make it good.

Example: If you were late for work don’t wine about the traffic jam you know what stuff comes up. Learn from it by leaving early for work or just say sorry I was running late! And leave it at that!

9. Let it go!
Letting go is almost like forgiving but your letting it go almost in one ear out the other, mainly with negative stuff that we get slammed with daily. If you think someone said something to hurt your feelings or you are unsure why they said what ever who cares just let it go, it really isn’t that important! Yes it is easer said then done but very effective! So practice!!!

So that is my suggested ways to live life to the fullest or to feel alive either way you put it these 9 things will do wonders for you personally. None of these are easy but with time and practice they will get some what easier. Our emotions getting stirred up in a good way gives us the most adrenaline ever!


Adding: it has been some time and a lot of great people offered suggestions to make this post even better.
Working out... what a great idea it also keeps you heatlhy i haven't went indepth in thinking about this but i do think it's a great time to relive this post!  Enjoy!

Something to try...

yeah the 30 day challenge .... Not so much.
Hey i'm working out issues about me being lazy infront of you!  Boy does that take balls of steel when i fail over and over and over agian.
But have you noticed i have yet to give up.. Is that the key? Who knows.
Boarders is going out of business sale,I got 1 home decoration book, and 1 home organization simply together book. Mainly for familys but guess what it starts in September. what are the odds. i should of picked up and started right away.. but i didn't i really want to copy the pages and start after the hoildays. on the new year. <-- wow i come up with some GREAT excuses don't i? so is it an excuse or is it procrasination. I mean i'm too busy cleaning my house to work on a schedule. so who knows. What I do know is. I have been doing something for over a week now. and i'm starting to see the habit part building.

Most self help unlazy me types of people have read a lot of how to .. heck i'm absessed with it as well.  But i found an app on my phone called "Andhabits" Nothing special just a calendar that you can mark what you have done.
I'm a smoker i know it's bad but I have put empty ash trays daily. so if i empty the ash trey that day i mark my circle on the app.  What i am trying to see is if something is so simple and so rewarding (less ashes around the house and dirty tables because they overflow)  does make me feel good.. It takes less then 2 minutes to do and that's the point. I need to find all the tasts in my house that take 2 minutes or less. and start building THOSE into my daily habits.  I Know most will say it takes 30 days or so to build that habit. Well it's not second nature yet for me. but it's only been a bit more then a week. So at the end of this week I will be adding another simple under two minute task to my schedule.

So i have 1 new habit every two weeks. and I would like to mark them on the calendar daily until i don't have to think about doing that task.
The empty ash try habit might be on there for 2 months or maybe 1 month. Either way i'm setting the pace i'm setting what it is i want to do. making it all that more meaningful to me.

So if you want to help yourself.
try this.
Today - get out a post it note or scrap paper or just type in the comments below. and name 5 simple tasks that you can do in 2 minutes or less that you feel connected to. Please keep in mind to find something you don't already do regularly. Pick one and start. My only controlled suggestion is try to do this at the same time frame everyday so you can build it into a routine. and help make it more of a habit.
Hey it's one step to be come less lazy.. Worth a shot? stay accountable and add a comment!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

9 ways to feel alive!!!

I hear on so many different web sites “How do you feel like your living? How do you feel alive? So it got me thinking even when I checked my site I had that in my things to do “Feel alive” we all live but why don’t we feel like we are a live some times. Do we get all caught up in the daily actions to cater to our own needs? I know it can be redundant. So what do you do to “Feel Alive”? Here are a few of my suggestions.

1. Set goals that are close to your morals, values, and heart.
Goals are great – they keep you on track! Only if they mean something to you and they are close to you. Then understanding that your goals you have to WORK for they are not going to be giving to you on a silver platter just because you picked that as your goal. Grant you, you may meet some people to help you along your journey! If you never get that goal all that work you put into will make you feel ALIVE!

2. Educated risks When we get stuck in our daily lives we tend to do the same thing over and over giving us that feeling of geesh just another day! One way to stop that is to do a bit of research and take a risk. Weather it be jumping off a bridge (that you know is save to jump off of) or asking a stranger what they think of something or other. Is it scary well I hope so because that is the point! We tend to forget we have other emotions and if you don’t startle them you will feel bored of life.

3. Comfort zone (goes with educated risk)
Along the same lines of educated risk we all tend to do what is safe for us? I’m not asking you to do something ridiculously stupid or completely unsafe. But try to point out your comfort zone.

For example: you are not the type to start conversations because you are shy or because you had a bad experience. Well you are not the same person you were back then so step out of that comfort zone and try it.

Maybe it’s your clothing you never wear yellow it’s to bright and may look funny. Try it any way not like it’s going to hurt you! Stepping out of your comfort zone at least 1 time a day can really increase your feeling ALIVE.

4. Where is the kid in you?
Did you lose that every asking questions of interest? Are you scared to do something out of fear someone will say you are childish? Is that someone you look up to or are they just pretending to live life? Grow down do something silly get laughed at get called a kid then say I’m a kid at heart! Parents got a head up on this one when you have a kid you have to play with your kid! There for acting like a kid is easy. So think back on what you enjoyed as a kid or even something you never had the guts to do when you were a kid and give it a shot!

5. Forgiveness
Okay this is one of the hardest things to do but it will take that tension/pressure off of you! Weather you forgive that human to their face or just to yourself either way you should do this. One of the hardest things was to forgive someone but it is the one thing that will make you feel free and alive! Plus you won’t have that added mental weight killing your mind.

6. Something new (sort of a piggy back off of comfort zone)
At least one time a week do something you have never tried before it could be a new way to work, a new taste, or even a new thought pattern. What ever it is make sure you go into it with a clear head and mind. (Easier to have a clear mind when you forgive people)

7. Give yourself time (MAKE IT)You can’t enjoy it all if you don’t take time to breathe it in and reflex on it. You know the saying stop and smell the roses. Yes it is harder in today’s age but how ever you have to do it: schedule an appointment with yourself, Give up TV for 15 minutes for yourself, or pass up a healthy meal for a quick fix to help free up some time! What ever the sacrifice it will be worth it in the long run!!!!

8. Give up excusesIt can be hard not to give excuses to something but don’t give excuses for who you are or the actions you take. If you were wrong or you made a mistake apologize and learn from it then make it good.

Example: If you were late for work don’t wine about the traffic jam you know what stuff comes up. Learn from it by leaving early for work or just say sorry I was running late! And leave it at that!

9. Let it go!
Letting go is almost like forgiving but your letting it go almost in one ear out the other, mainly with negative stuff that we get slammed with daily. If you think someone said something to hurt your feelings or you are unsure why they said what ever who cares just let it go, it really isn’t that important! Yes it is easer said then done but very effective! So practice!!!

So that is my suggested ways to live life to the fullest or to feel alive either way you put it these 9 things will do wonders for you personally. None of these are easy but with time and practice they will get some what easier. Our emotions getting stirred up in a good way gives us the most adrenaline ever!


Adding: it has been some time and a lot of great people offered suggestions to make this post even better.
Working out... what a great idea it also keeps you heatlhy i haven't went indepth in thinking about this but i do think it's a great time to relive this post!  Enjoy!