Thursday, October 20, 2011

The musical clean up

So I am always finding new ways to clean and build routines. This one I am sure you have heard or have done before. Using music to motivate you as well as using it to time things. If your anything like me then you have clutter and your too lazy to do anything about it.. at least most of the time.

So here is what I did because I am having a party at the end of the month and my house needs to be some what people ready. So I counted the rooms that I wanted to approach. In my case it was the whole house a total of 5 rooms (okay not all of the house). I put on a cd on that is up beat and one that I like to personally zone out to. White Stripes Iggy thumb was what I picked. 

The pattern.. 2 songs for each room or until completed with the main tasks at hand. For me it was putting items in the right place and picking up trash. I didn't clean anything really just put things away. I have someone coming in to my home tomorrow to clean for me. She will do the floors, and get the nitty and gritty of it all. So that helped.. 45 minutes later my house was people ready in 4 out of the 5. The one that isn't people ready is one of the cluttered rooms.. or bedroom. goosh we need to do laundry.. lol

So give it a shot if you have a cluttered home just play a few songs or build a play list and set a goal 3 songs per room 1 song per room.. pick a task or two as well. trash,pick up, dust, sweep,  declutter, pick one or two of those. 

Well enjoy till next time.. enjoy being lazy!!!

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